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Light Side Last Updated: Aug 9, 2023 - 2:26:49 PM

Light Side
Leopard ‘Tanks’ Russia Claims It Destroyed Were Actually Tractors

Russia’s Defense Ministry proudly announced on Tuesday that its troops had destroyed eight Leopard tanks while it fended off a Ukrainian counteroffensive

Jun 7, 2023 - 10:56:50 AM

Light Side
I Wish I Were Joe Manchin

What is your personal Mountain Valley Pipeline? What would it be like to force your co-workers to pretend it’s a good idea?

Jun 3, 2023 - 2:07:07 PM

Light Side
Danish masters prepped canvases with leftovers from brewing beer

Danish painters in the 19th century had some special ingredients up their sleeves: They used materials from brewing beer to create their artwork, according to research published in the journal Science Advances on Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

May 25, 2023 - 11:14:20 AM

Light Side
Lawmakers forbid use of Swiss German during parliamentary debates

Federal parliamentary debates in Switzerland are typically given in High German, French or Italian, and very occasionally in Romansh. Keystone / Alessandro Della Valle

May 8, 2023 - 12:10:55 PM

Light Side
The Muezzin and the Meowzin

The often-sensitive question of the canine's status in Islam

Apr 18, 2023 - 1:51:53 PM

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